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星欧娱乐网站|印度市场遇阻 优步与竞争对手对簿公堂
2024-09-10 阅读
本文摘要:The race to dominate India’s taxi market has taken a bitter turn with Uber of the US accusing a local rival, OlaCab, of using dirty tricks to disrupt its business. 支配印度出租车市场的竞赛再次发生敌意巨变,来自美国的优步(Uber)指控当地竞争对手OlaCab用愚蠢手段妨碍其业务。

The race to dominate India’s taxi market has taken a bitter turn with Uber of the US accusing a local rival, OlaCab, of using dirty tricks to disrupt its business. 支配印度出租车市场的竞赛再次发生敌意巨变,来自美国的优步(Uber)指控当地竞争对手OlaCab用愚蠢手段妨碍其业务。In a lawsuit filed in the Delhi High Court, the San Francisco-based ride-hailing app alleges that Ola employees made more than 400,000 false bookings, summoning Uber drivers to fetch passengers who never materialised. To do so they created 93,000 fake rider accounts, the complaint alleges. 总部坐落于旧金山的微信应用于优步在德里高等法院驳回诉讼,声称Ola雇员收到逾40万张假订单,恶魔优步司机配备显然不不存在的乘客。起诉状称之为,为此他们登记了9.3万个欺诈乘客账户。

Uber, which has invested $1bn in India over the past nine months, says the bookings cost it nearly $8,000 in cancellation fees to frustrated drivers. 过去九个月里在印度投资10亿美元的优步回应,上述假订单造成它向苦恼的司机缴纳近8000美元所取消费。The fake bookings were “intended to block the availability of taxis” and divert business to Ola, resulting in lost revenues to Uber and its drivers, and “frustrating...and scaring” them, the petition claims. 这些假订单“意图封锁出租车供应”,使业务分流至Ola,这种不道德给优步及其司机带给营收损失,并造成后者“苦恼……以及害怕”。Uber has sought $7.4m in damages from Ola for “deliberately, unlawfully, wrongfully, maliciously, falsely...interfering” in its business. 优步催促法庭命令Ola缴纳740万美元伤害赔偿金,以赔偿金其对优步业务的“蓄意、非法、失当、蓄意、欺诈……阻碍”。

Ola, which is based in Bangalore, said in a statement the charges were “false and frivolous”. It did not use dirty tricks, it said. “We are categorically denying it.” 总部设于班加罗尔的Ola在一份声明中回应,优步的指控是“欺诈和荒谬的”。声明称之为,该公司未曾用于愚蠢手段。

“我们坚决坚称这一点。” But yesterday Jugnoo, a Chandigarh-based company whose tech platform matches autorickshaws with passengers, made allegations against Ola. Samar Singla, co-founder and chief executive, said Jugnoo had received a surge of 20,000 bookings from 800 fake accounts, leading to a waste of time and lost earnings for rickshaw drivers. 但在昨日,总部坐落于昌迪加尔(Chandigarh)、利用技术平台在摩托三轮车与乘客之间牵线搭桥的Jugnoo公司也对Ola明确提出指控。

Jugnoo的牵头创始人和首席执行官萨马辛纳(Samar Singla)回应,该公司从800个骗账户收到了蜂拥而来的2万张订单,造成摩托车司机浪费了时间,损失了收益。The company found that nearly all the bookings had come from close to Ola offices — two in the greater Delhi area and one in south India. 该公司找到,完全所有订单都来自附近Ola办事处的地方:两个在大德里地区,还有一个在印度南部。“We are planning to take suitable action against Ola for the same, but will refrain from doing so if they cease to do this,” Mr Singla said in a statement. “我们于是以计划早已对Ola采行适合行动,但如果他们暂停此类不道德,我们将防止走进这一步,”辛拉在一份声明中回应。

Allegations of dirty tricks highlight the rising stakes for Uber, Ola and other transport providers in India, where just 6 per cent of households own a car . 有关下三滥手段的指控,凸显印度市场的利害对优步、Ola和其他运输提供商更加事关重大。印度只有6%的家庭保留汽车。Uber and Ola are competing fiercely for customers and drivers, many of whom are enrolled on both platforms. 优步和Ola正在白热化竞争客户和司机,很多人在这两个平台上都登记了。

In its court petition Uber said some of the fake bookings appeared intended to obtain the contact details of its “driver-partners”, who then received “malicious” phone calls and text messages. 优步在向法庭递交的诉状中回应,一些假订单或许意图提供其合作司机的联系资料,这些司机随后收到“蓄意”的电话和短信。More than 23,000 Indian drivers had left its platform from September to February as a result of harassment, it said. Some email addresses used to set up fake accounts appeared to belong to Ola employees, while many bookings were from the area around Ola offices. 优步称之为,这些侵扰造成去年9月至今年2月期间,逾2.3万名印度司机道别其平台。用作登记假账户的一些电子邮件地址或许归属于Ola雇员,同时许多假订单相吻合Ola办事处周围地区。



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